Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where is Mama?

Just last week my husband signed me up for this, thinking it was just a little thing. "It's just FaceBook and a Blog. It'll just be for fun. No big deal!"
Ha! Simply learning how to navigate these two new-to-me entities has proven to take up much more time than I'd planned. Plus there's the set-up! My FaceBook page is still pictureless - just a ghostly silhouette. Last night I had a little spare time and thought I'd finally upload a picture of myself, thinking that, too, was no big deal.

The problem? After going through four years worth of of digital photos, I'm only in six of them, and only two of them solos! (None of which are pics I'd like to display on this or any website.) I take so many pictures in order to aid my children's memories. But what visual memories have they of me? I'm not there. That is a big deal.

Granted, I know exactly why. I hide from the camera. My camera, my favorite possession. I love taking pictures, pretending to be a photographer. But point said camera back at me and I duck, run, stick out my tongue ... anything to make the picture unworthy of developing.

I guess I have a dilemma. My FaceBook page needs a picture of me for my "wall" (That is what it's called, right?) and my kids need pictures of their Mama. So, bad hair day ... bring it on! Fat and bloated day ... who cares! Point that camera at me ... no big deal!

(This is all talk, you know. BUT, if you're gonna walk the walk...)


Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

Hahahaha! I KNOW the feeling - about the pictures of self AND the hours spent figuring out blogger and facebook! I recently photographed a number of moms for something and every single one of them complained about how they looked - not that the photography was bad looking, but that they were bad looking. I thought they looked beautiful - and not just cuz I was pretty up and proud of my Scott Kelby photo-skillz, but because they're Women of God - they're Beautiful! Yet, I know the very same person behind the camera was NOT wanting one of those girls to turn the lens around on ME. But, you're right! The kids will want to remember Mommy, too, not just every other little tidbit of their lives...

And good luck with Facebook and Blogger - let me know if you have any questions (maybe I can save you a few hours!) And LOTS of people have pics of their kids as their profile pic OR pics of them with their hubby (like me...)

I'll add you as a friend, but just know, I'm swearing off Facebook (unless it's for someone REALLY special, like yourself!)


Amanda said...

I ALWAYS dodge the camera too!
You are not alone there LOL!

Frizzy said...

I'm a camera dodger! One thing my mother and family said to me that stuck with me is..."One day your child will want to know who you were. They'll turn to pictures to find you first. What will it say about you if you aren't in them?" I'm not proud of how I look but each time the camera is turned on me I keep that in mind while I grin and bear it. By the way, I'm over from Karin's. We were bridesmaids in her wedding together. It's nice to see you again. Even if it's only through this cyber world.

DL said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I came to you via 6 By His Design (my bloggy friend). Looking forward to your posts!

Gramma 2 Many said...

Welcome to blogging. I am a little late with my welcome, but I am sure you know how things go sometimes. Of course Karin sent me. I met her while blog surfing one night. You are so blessed to know her in real life. I find her to be an awesome person. Most of all I like how real she is.
Have fun with your blog. It is a great place to connect and make great friends.