Sunday, January 11, 2009

Welcome to JabberWorthy

This is horrible. I've been following a blog by one of my friends from college. She's so good at it! You know the type ~ always pulling something profound or inspiring from everyday schedules.

So my husband jumps in and says "Why don't YOU have a blog?"

"Because I don't have anything to say, that's why."

"Well, then here is the perfect place not to say it," he replies.

And there you go. I have a blog. Now what do I say? Probably just a lot of jabbering...


Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

Oh. my. Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a GIGANTIC SMILE on my face right now!!!

LQQK at those beautiful kids!!!
They're GROWING UP! And they're gorgeous!

And R looks EXACTLY as he should all these years later!

And you look WONDERFUL, my dear!
I am SO GLAD you're going to do this!!!

A h.s. friend of mine sent me a Christmas card that said, "No letter - you already know everything going on in my life...FROM MY BLOG!" This is a GREAT way to keep in touch, keep sane, say something, or say nothing!

I look forward to reading EVERYthing you have to say!

You have no idea how much I've missed you...
HUGE hugs,

Amanda said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!
I popped across from Karin's blog.
Amanda x