Friday, March 6, 2009

Frogs and Flowers

Nothing profound or thought provoking today – just hope. Hope for Life, hope for Light.

Today. Today the frogs were peeping! I almost couldn’t believe my ears, but they were! A never seen, high-pitched chorus. And if that weren’t enough, several sweet little yellow crocuses popped up sometime while we were at school, and are now blooming in the front yard! All of this today!

Don’t get me wrong. I love winter: a time of rest, a time of peace. But once the rest is over, (and believe me, I’ve been ready for it to be over for a while now!) I’m always ready for a healthy helping of rebirth, of excitement, of light, of life.

I know the cold is not over. In Indiana, we've come to expect our “Sectional Snow.” But, hearing the frogs, seeing the flowers, I now have hope again.

(Of course, if you ask Rob, these signs mean only one thing: yard work!) =(